viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2019

My favorite tv series (ohyesss)

Hi, in this post I'm going to talk about my favorite tv series. I feel I can't have a favorite movie, or tv serie, or anything, but I wanna do my best effort.

For the moment my favorite tv series is Euphoria, this serie was accompanied me all of my winter vacations. In this time I was travelled to Copiapo. Between us, my uncle is so boring, he work all the day. I don't know Copiapo so much, so I dont get out much of this house in vacations and... This is a reason because I'v seen Euphoria twice ( I'm really obsessed whit this)

I think, for you to like a series or movie or anything, you need been a moment in your life that you feel the emosions of what you see. Euphoria, was a good series for me, because in this moment and now I feel the emosions of the protagonist like this emosions were mine. I felt the dependency relationship of the protagonist toward their ''friend'' and their conflicts, and I love so much how the series present the addiction and other problems or topics like homosexuality ( I love it everything related to homosexuality, sorrys). Is a diverse series and this is so good, I think.

I recommend (like people of my generation) this tv series because I love it and in my opinnion, is so interesting, I mean, never stoped to interest me and get excited.

So... Go to see jiji.

4 comentarios:

  1. How great that you could connect with that series, it's really good

  2. I saw "Euphoria" two weeks ago! Its a very good serie!
    I love the audiovisual treatment and the themes that it presents!

  3. I think that maybe youre identified with the theme that Ephoria talks about

  4. I feel in the same way when you talk about that the moment in your life makes more special the series. That happened to me a lot of times, and because of this i felt more inmmerse in the serie.


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