viernes, 23 de agosto de 2019

If I travel to other country...

Hi to someone,

Imagine I'm not poor, and I have any time, I would visit Brazil becouse, for me is so interesting. The culture and carnivals, and especially the people, at least like the television they sample.

In reallity, when I was a little babe, I will always imagined drive to different contrys, especially to Europe, but this is becouse I dont know the most great is the culture and costume in Latinoamerica. I know that I grew under the influence to the television, among other things, and when I open my eyes, and Brazil was a country where I can have any experience. I think, I dont know a lot of Brazil, but this is interesting, so why not?

When I'll travel to Brazil, I would to visit the different sectors of the city's. My intention is know the country and it's people, beyond of the publicity or tourism say.

I'm not sure, what I'll in Brazil, if stay to study, work or live, but I don't know portuguese, so maybe if I'll travel to Brazil, maybe just to be a visit.

I can a Hardly able learn english, so... portuguese, not now.

6 comentarios:

  1. The carnivals are very very funny. Brazil has a impresionant cultural and has a lot people. It´s a very big country.

  2. when you become a famous journalist, you can learn how to speak portuguese and travel to Brazil. You will do great articles!!

  3. América has amazing places to visit. I think Brazil is a great choice, I would like to go there too, I hope we will.

  4. Travel to Brazil it´s my dream, I like the carnivals and the culture too, but I'd prefer the beach.

  5. Brazil is wonderful, it's the only country I have visited and it was my favorite holidays. Their beaches are fantastic because the water is not as cold as the ones from Chile.

  6. Brazil must be a beatiful country! I think you must enjoy it a lot when you go someday! :)


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